The Knoxville School Board met in regular session last night.
A radon testing and mitigation plan was approved. Testing of all the buildings must be completed by 2027. The board also considered an overnight trip to state wrestling and expectations which was approved.
The board considered HUDL 3-year agreement. It was approved, the HUDL agreement is a filming aid for coaches with the 3-year cost of around $34,000.
It was announced that Knoxville’s free and reduced lunch rate is at 49.9 percent of the students.
The superintendent’s report indicated that in some of the rooms in the office, conversations can be overheard in the Middle School. The board decided to look into the cheaper of two systems to fix the issue, which will take longer to fix, due to lack of materials. The systems for the two bids were identical except for cost. The quicker fix would cost $16,000 with the start date being March 6. The cheaper fix would take six to eight weeks, waiting on materials, but the cost is $12,829.
The board ended with a strategic planning work session.