Harv Sprafka, who is the designer/maintenance keeper of Brooks Garden in Knoxville, recently turned in a financial report to the city of Knoxville. The report shows a big jump in donations for 2022.
The report showed few expenditures for 2022. Revenue showed the VFW Ladies Auxiliary presenting a charitable contribution of $500. Also several individuals from the city donated $300. The Knoxville Federated Garden Club donated $100 and Eta Lambda Sorority gave $100, as they have done annually since the garden started in 2010.
Sprafka tells KNIA/KRLS News, “2022 was a good year financially, especially. There were challenges with the weather. We had extremes in the Spring and Summer. We had a drought and those were challenges.”
Six men from Pella installed a solar lighted flagpole with the US Flag and the Iowa Flag in the park. Cost of the flagpole and flags totaled $750. The donation was made to recognize and honor US veterans of the Armed Services.