The Simpson College Vivo Chamber Players have an upcoming performance in March, featuring the players performing the music and sound effects for the silent film Sherlock Jr., starring Buster Keaton. Show composer John Benoit tells KNIA News the show will feature music and sound effects will be played along with the movie.
“For this we are putting together a group of 17 players and we will be performing a score I created. The music for it is all music from the 1910’s and 20’s called photoplay music. It was written to be used in movies, but not any movie in particular. So you might have a piece that is titled Hurry that you might use for chase scenes, or a tune called burglar or sneaky music that you might use for some sort of burglar or conspiracy scene. I’ve been collecting lots of that music for years and piano anthologies, so I’ve orchestrated that for an orchestra and fitted that for the film.”
The event will be next Friday, with two showings in Lekberg Hall in the Amy Robertson Music Building, one at 7pm and another at 8:30pm.