
Softball fencing was approved at a total cost of nearly $85,000 at the Knoxville School Board Meeting Monday, February 27.

Knoxville Business Manager Craig Mobley tells KNIA/KRLS News, “Our facilities group has been talking about some of the items, maybe smaller items that we need to take care of around the district. One that’s been kind of a recurring item we’ve been looking at is fencing for both baseball and softball. But, just because of timing and the amount of work that needs to be done we’re looking at softball first.” 

Mobley adds that this project will replace all the fencing at the softball field. The fencing behind home plate will be replaced by the black netting. Knoxville had a couple of proposals and Pierce Fencing was the quote accepted by the board. Mobley said the work will get underway prior to the start of the season.