
Iowa Senate Republicans released their state budget target for the upcoming fiscal year as a flurry of bills pass in both chambers. State Senator Ken Rozenboom says the majority party in the upper chamber is proposing a final spending number of $8.486 billion, the same number Governor Kim Reynolds put forward earlier this year. He says this equates to a 3.3 percent increase in state spending.

“This is consistent with our practice of responsible, conservative budgeting that continues to deliver appropriate state services to Iowans, while keeping Iowa government efficient and effective,” Rozenboom says.

House Republicans — who also control that chamber, have not released their target number yet. Lawmakers have until March 31st to have any bills from the other chamber come out of committee, and debate is not limited by rule during this time, meaning several bills will need to reach a committee in the other chamber unless they relate to Ways and Means and Appropriations.