The Knoxville School Board met Monday in regular session.
The board will be switching from an A/B Block system for scheduling classes to a true block system in the fall. There are several benefits for the students as well as teachers. Students will be taking four classes per term instead of eight to reduce stress and the workload.
Knoxville Business Manager Craig Mobley tells KNIA/KRLS News about, “A recent donation that the school board received. Long time educator and coach for us, Randy Wilson contacted us about possibly working with PPI about a donation for a new scoreboard at Randy Wilson Track. Randy took the reins on that and led the charge on that and PPI was gracious enough to give the school district a donation of $6,500 to go toward a new scoreboard.”
There will be more daily help available from instructors and courses will be daily for nine weeks. The middle school will change from a nine period day to eight periods.
The board hired Kristina Lane as Special Education teacher and River Baker as assistant baseball coach. The board approved substitute employee pay raises and personnel committee recommendations and contracts.
The board approved flooring quotes for flooring by B&M Flooring for the amount of $11,000 for the Home Schooling Assistance Program located in the northeast area of the bus barn building.
The board purchased a scissor lift for the maintenance department in the amount of $15,300.They approved replacing lighting at the Randy Wilson Track. The lights will come from Musco for athletic lighting in the amount of $318,000 and the quote submitted by Ardent Lighting for the installation of the equipment in the amount of $68,200.