
The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. Ross Gibson was appointed Deputy County Attorney. Dan Vander Beek was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Marion County Public Health Board. The Indiana Township Trustees had two openings. Carl Kloster was appointed to a term that expires on the township December 31 of 2026 and Curtis Lambirth was appointed to fill a term that expires December 31 of 2024.

Kelly Myers of Myers, Skinner and Paschke PLLC gave an update on legislative issues. 

The board received and filed a report on the Adkins Urban Renewal Plan in Pleasantville and passed a resolution to set a public date on the Adkins Renewal Plan. The board also approved the Marion County Zoning Commision Report.

Discussion took place on broadband intervention. The board approved an 8th Grade Mock Trial Team from Pella to meet at the courthouse April 22. The Farmer’s Market was approved for May 30 through September 30 on the courthouse grounds.