The Indianola Parks and Rec annual Flying High! Balloon Camp is hosting an additional camp for hot air balloon enthusiasts this spring, in addition to the kids Flying High! Balloon Camp in the summer. Kathy Kester with Indianola Parks and Rec tells KNIA News the camp is fulfilling one of the biggest requests from parents after sending their kids to the balloon camp.
“Our kids’ balloon camps have been so popular over the years that we’ve always heard people ask if we did it for adults, and so this year we are! So that is going to be held on one night, May 18th, at the balloon field, and you’ll be able to get to do a lot of the same things. You’ll learn how to put up a balloon, and there will be food and beverages. So you’ll want to get registered for that quickly.”
Participants will also spend time learning about the fundamentals of hot air ballooning and have an opportunity to register to be a part of a volunteer chase crew. Find registration information below.