Kelli Kingrey serves as the Marion County Assessor. She tells KNIA/KRLS News that the number of protests this year on residential assessments were down in 2023.
She says, “This year has been kind of surprising for us. We had a very low number of protests. I think it’s really due to the fact that there’s been so much in the news from 2022. Very high sales across the state, across the country really, but I think the news covered it well to let people know that the sales were up in 2022. That’s what we had to base our values off of.”
The appeals in Marion County in 2022 totaled 96. On a typical year Kingrey noted there would be around 200 appeals in one year. The values are set to what the market shows.
County-wide the average residential increase was about 18 percent for assessments. All based on the sales and market value, according to Kingrey.