The city of Knoxville celebrated the Independence Day holiday yesterday.
The Fourth of July celebration began with the American Flag Raising Ceremony at the Knoxville Police Station. Following the flag raising, 59 people took part in the fifth annual KPD Freedom 5K Run/Walk. The top three male finishers in the race were Isaac Rankin, Brayden Scheffers, and Brendan Finan, and the top three female finishers were Heather Dunkin, Elizabeth Ruggles, and Felecia Hoover. The Knoxville Fire Department hosted the morning’s Freedom Breakfast and First United Methodist Church also hosted Yoga on the Lawn. Around 50 people wrapped up the morning festivities by participating in the bike parade. The Independence Day events in Knoxville concluded with a fireworks show at the Knoxville Municipal Airport at dusk.
Find results from the KPD Freedom 5K here and photos from Knoxville’s Fourth of July celebration below.
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