
Several emergency response crews responded to a house fire Saturday evening. 

The Bussey Fire Department was dispatched to 2085 195th street at approximately 5:15 p.m. Initial reports indicated that flames could be seen from one room in the home. The Bussey Fire Department immediately requested the help of the Indiana Township Fire Department, who were the first to respond on the scene. The Indiana Township Fire Department found heavy smoke coming from the home and requested additional aid from the Knoxville Fire Department and Knoxville Township Fire. The fire department was met with heavy fire inside the front door and was able to extinguish it within minutes. Two firefighters from the Indiana Township Fire Department were transported to the hospital for evaluation after becoming overheated. 

Crews remained on scene until it was cleared. It was determined that the cause of the fire was a lit candle on an end table that contacted clothes hanging on a door in the home. The residents made it out of the home safely.