
Today is Parks and Rec Day at the Warren County Fair, which includes a frozen t-shirt contest, a milk mustache contest, the face-off cookie challenge, and creative hair contest.

Today’s is the 4H/FFA Open Sheep/Meat Goat shows, and the entertainment will include comic magician Jerry Frasier, fortune telling, Nick’s Kid Show, and the 4H Fashion Show, while tonight’s grandstand event is a concert by Easton Corbin. Kids can also participate in the Little Farmhands exhibit from Warren County Farm Bureau. Keisha Thompson tells KNIA News kids will be able to come out and help with chores on the farm, and learn about agriculture in a fun way.

“Agriculture is a part of our everyday life. It’s the food we eat, the clothes on our back, it’s the fuel we put in our vehicles. So getting kids involved at a young age will help them understand where all of this comes from and all of the hard work and dedication that is put into it.”

The KNIA Big Red Radio will be at the fair each day providing live updates and playing music.