
Several local exhibitors are having success at the state fair level.

The Iowa State fair kicked off on August 10th and is the grand stage for exhibits all throughout the state. Jansen Peterson from Knoxville won first prize in the two layer cake youth division. Lane Vanderlinden of Melcher-Dallas won Champion Dorset Advantage Ewe in the FFA breeding sheep category.

Dwight McGrath and Steve Hatch of Knoxville won first place in the class A division of doubles horseshoe pitching. Hatch, along with Bert Logsdon of Pleasantville took home first and second place for the south central division of the regional championship horseshoe pitching tournament.

Ross Stephens of Pleasantville won the champion flag race for the FFA horse competition along with champion ranch horse pleasure. Pleasantville FFA placed fifth overall for the equestrian team award. 

Chase Rozenboom from Twin Cedars FFA won champion shorthorn plus in the breeding beef category. Pleasantville FFA finished third overall in the breeding beef category. 

Lane Vanderlinden of Melcher-Dallas won champion white/speckle face in the FFA market lamb show. 

Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS for more state fair results.