
Simpson College has announced the creation and expansion of two new scholarship programs that will go into effect next year for new students, the 100K Promise and the 99 County Full-Tuition programs. Vice President for Enrollment Leigh Mlodzik tells KNIA News the 100K Promise is an expansion of the Simpson Promise program, and pledges full-tuition support for admitted students whose family’s adjusted household income is $100,000 or less, previously capped at $60,000. Mlodzik said the 99 County Full-Tuition program ensures that at least one admitted student from each of Iowa’s 99 counties will be eligible to receive a full-tuition scholarship, and is an effort to expand the reach of Simpson across the state and especially the rural areas.

“We had about 41 counties last year that we did not enroll a student from in Iowa, and looking across the board most of those are rural counties across the state. Both in Iowa and nationally, one of the things that is currently happening is the value of higher education, particularly in rural areas, has been dismissed. We want to make sure that students in those counties know that we want them to be at Simpson, and know that continuing their education can be very valuable.”

Hear more on today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.