October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Pella Regional Health Center is thankful for the many patients they’ve helped in their recovery journey. Radiologist Dr. Alison Smith and Mammography Coordinator Susan Veenstra both say they’ve seen an uptick in the past two years in the number of breast cancer patients diagnosed, but that also coincides with improvements in screening technology. Additionally, both are thankful for the advances they’ve made at the hospital locally as it relates to treatment, and that for most patients, they can receive the vast majority of services needed locally. Hear more about Breast Cancer Awareness Month at Pella Regional Health Center on today’s Let’s Talk Pella. Pella Regional Health Center is hosting their annual Pella in Pink event this Sunday at the Cordova Shelterhouse at Lake Red Rock. The KNIA/KRLS Lil’ Big Red Radio will be in attendance.