
The Pride of Indianola Marching Band earned a Division “I” Rating at the State Marching Band Contest over the weekend, scoring an 81.4. The band also competed at the Waukee Warrior Marching Invitational, where they placed 5th, scoring an 80.125, within two points of second place. The Color Guard also placed 2nd at the event. Color Guard Captains Taylor Hoger and Lexi Shanks tell KNIA News they were both ready to take on the responsibility of the job.


“I was excited for the responsibility, and ready to be more of a part of the band and a part of the success of the band.”


“Kind of the same thing. It was an honor to be named captain. I’ve been watching all the captains the previous years, and I was so excited to finally be able to step up to that plate and take charge.”

To hear more, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.