KNIA/KRLS Radio is highlighting area food shelves and the need related to local hunger during the holiday season. Following two years of a live radiothon, the station is putting together special programs to encourage donations through Food Drive Fridays. The weekly special edition news magazines will air at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. every Friday, and at 6 p.m. again on nights without high school basketball or special Christmas music programs on KNIA/KRLS. Additionally, the KNIA/KRLS Big Red Radio will make stops on Fridays and Saturdays at the Pella, Knoxville, and Oskaloosa Hy-Vee stores to further encourage donations to local food shelves and other programs, such as the Food Bank of Iowa. On this week’s program, Annette Hacker with the Food Bank of Iowa discusses the organization that distributes food to pantries in 55 Iowa Counties. Stay tuned to KNIA/KRLS for Food Drive Fridays this holiday season.