Deer rut season is ongoing in South Central Iowa, and with it comes a need for increased awareness for the traveling public.
With most fields being harvested, deer generally move closer to trees, river corridors, brushy, and dense areas, which are often near roadways. Marion County Naturalist Marla Mertz says that with deer being out more frequently, those traveling should take precautions to avoid accidents with deer or other drivers.
“Of course, the bucks are only interested in the does at this time, they’re really not paying attention to traffic. Dusk and dawn is an extremely high travel time for them but it’s not unusual for them to be moving at all times during the day right now. So, I would suggest if you’re out driving on the highways, please give plenty of room to the people in front of you. You never know when they may have to stop abruptly. Don’t veer for deer, please and just take your time.”
Hear more from Marion County Naturalist Marla Mertz on an upcoming In Touch with South Central Iowa.