
The head coach of the Pella High School dance program was recognized for her efforts in promoting the activity across the state and for building the success of the Forte program. Rachael Wurr was recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Iowa State Dance and Drill Team Association. Wurr was surprised with the honor during the awards ceremony Friday, the same day the Pella Forte program won a rare “triple crown” by claiming 1st place in all three categories they performed in.

“I was very taken aback, and it was super unexpected,” she says. “I’ve looked up to a lot of people who have earned this award through ISDTA since I’ve been coaching, and they’ve been career difference makers for me.”

Wurr has been the head coach of Pella Forte for 12 years, and at the same time, has been the director of the color guard with the Pella Marching Dutch, which routinely wins best in class caption awards at fall competitions. Hear more about the honor on Tuesday’s Let’s Talk Pella.