
A special work session has been scheduled for the Pella City Council to receive an update on the long-term facilities plan this Tuesday.

The meeting comes ahead of goal setting sessions late this month and budget workshops planned in February to consider the framework of the fiscal year 2024-25 budget, and is intended to provide updates to funding proposals for a potential indoor recreation facility and associated infrastructure, as well as renovations to the Pella Community Center.

To date, the City of Pella has secured $42 million for what staff estimates to be $48.5 million in improvements between three key initiatives. This includes the following projected costs:

Rec Center – $34.75 million (includes two gyms, indoor turf, competition pool, indoor walking track, and workout space)
Community Center – $8.3 million (including an alternate for an elevator/stairs addition)
University Street/Sewer Upgrades – $5.46 million (University Street extends east from the rec center, connecting to Baseline Drive extension and 250th)

The $48.5 million estimate does not include any additional contingency for the projects; the funding gap of $6.5 million would require additional private pledges for both the rec center and Community Center, as well as potential cash on hand from the city. These could also be changed if county, state, or federal funding is secured.

An economic impact study is also set to be discussed, which includes estimates for how much construction and operation of the facility could benefit the city and Marion County.

Ultimately, city administration is seeking direction as it relates to final funding requirements, as well as evaluation of pledges and payment plans to ensure money is available for any of the projects.

The following timeline is suggested for the Pella Rec Center by city administration (the Pella Community Center plan will be determined by private funding secured):
January 30th and 31st – City Council Goal Setting Sessions
February 6th – Council authorizes seeking construction bids for the Pella Rec Center
Week of February 12th – FY 24-25 Budget Work Sessions
February 20th – Council authorizes seeking construction bids for associated infrastructure
March 20th – Pella Rec Center construction bids due
March 28th – Infrastructure construction bids due
April 2nd – Council decides on awarding a construction contract for the Pella Rec Center

The above timeline would require several majority votes of the Pella City Council.

Read the full agenda here, which includes the cost estimates and details from the economic study. The Pella City Council’s special meeting begins at 6:00 Tuesday evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex.