The Indianola School Board met in regular session Monday evening. The board reviewed district calendar adjustments due to school canceled due to winter weather totaling 31.4 hours of education. The district proposed that the last day of school be moved from May 30th to May 31st, including a full day on the 30th and an hour early dismissal on the 31st, and any additional time lost would require adding additional educational hours to the calendar. The board voted to table the proposal to look into other solutions, which will be decided at a later meeting.
The board tabled the possibility of adding a second School Resource Officer, and approved a Gas Regulator Station Easement to MidAmerican Energy and IMU Transformers for the High School Project. The board also reviewed the preliminary tax rates in preparation for the Maximum Tax Levy public hearing later this spring. The tax rate is preliminarily estimated to be $17.94628 per thousand assessed valuation, a two-cent increase from last year’s levy.
The board also heard reports from the board human resources, finance, facilities, and policy committee meetings.