
The Pella Area Community & Economic Alliance honored three Pella Impact Award recipients at their Annual Membership Breakfast on Friday.

Executive Director Karen Eischen says that the awards feature slightly different criteria, but the recipients are selected overall for their impact on the quality of life in Pella.

“Ultimately we look for very innovative, either programs for the employees or how they do business, or how they cast a spotlight on Pella. So, we really look for how they go about things, the unique programs or unique ideas that they have and others can learn about and maybe even adopt if they so wish.”

This year’s recipients are:

Community Impact Award: Randall Roofing

Business Impact Award: LDJ Manufacturing

Spotlight Award: Pella Opera House

The Pella Wellness Consortium also gave an award for Lifetime Servant Leadership to Kevin Van Haaften at the breakfast. Hear more about the Pella Impact Awards from Karen Eischen and Mary Mansfield on Monday’s Let’s Talk Pella.