The Knoxville High School spring musical opens on Friday.
The high school drama department will be performing “Once Upon a Mattress,” directed by Sara Collins. This is a comedic musical and a humorous adaptation of “The Princess and the Pea” that premiered on Broadway in 1959. The dates of the show are Friday, March 1st at 7:00 pm, Saturday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm, and Sunday, March 3rd at 2:00 pm. Director Sara Collins encourages the community to come out and support the students who have worked hard on this production.
“There are amazing shows at any size. From children’s theater, to high school, to community theater, to professional theater. These kids love seeing people appreciate their work and adults like seeing their work appreciated. I think people forget that these are so easy and these are these kids who have worked so hard and want that audience. You are not going to go and see people who aren’t putting their all into it. You’re going to have a fun night whether you like musicals or not.”
To purchase tickets for this production you can do so by following this link. Hear more from Collins on Thursday’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.