
The Knoxville School Board approved snow make up day calendar modifications at their meeting Monday night. 

In January of 2024, the Knoxville Community School District lost 46 instructional hours due to inclement weather and the board has approved making up 24 total hours of instructional time. The recommendation consists of full days of school on the last four Mondays of the school year, adding two full days of school at the end of the year for May 22nd and 23rd, and a two hour early dismissal on the last day of school. The district is only required to make up 3.5 hours of the time they lost due to inclement weather, but Superintendent Cassi Pearson said it’s important for the students to receive more time back in the classroom. 

“Traditionally our calendar has had significantly more hours of school for our kids than what the state minimum is and we just think that is good for education. When we lost 46 hours even though we would only have to make up 3.5 hours we just don’t want our kids to be short changed that many instructional hours.”

Pearson also stated that this gives the district flexibility if there were more snow days in the future this school year. Hear more from Pearson on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville. 

Updated School Calendar Below
