
Michael Braman of Knoxville spent this past week advocating for veterans rights in Washington DC alongside legislators and the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Council.

Braman is a representative from Iowa for the VFW National Council and a voting member for the VFW nationwide. Braman is involved in countless organizations locally that support veterans, their rights, and make sure they are taken care of when they come off of active duty. Last week, Braman met with the VFW National Council, and sat in on sessions with Iowa’s federal legislators to show support for four specific bills that have been working their way through congress. 

The bills relate to cracking down on predatory claim companies, VA benefits data for suicide prevention, transition from service, and retirement and military personnel . Braman has been working on support for the Major Richard Star Act for several years and he continues to be a strong advocate to see the bill that relates to retirement pay, and VA disability compensation to become law. Braman says he doesn’t ever want to stop advocating for veterans.

“The VFW has been doing this for 125 years this year. We have been advocating for our veterans, their families, their survivors, their servicemen and women for 125 years and we are not going to stop.”

Hear a complete recap of Michael Braman’s trip to Washington DC on an upcoming Let’s Talk Knoxville.