
The Knoxville Boys Track and Field Squad is looking for a 3rd straight South Central Conference title this season, but the Panthers know they are a marked team with a large bullseye on their backs. Coach Eric Kellar tells KNIA/KRLS Sports they likely are not going to dominate the event as in the past two seasons, but he thinks they have enough to bring back the trophy. He adds Davis County and Eddyville-Blakesburg-Fremont have the best shots, giving Knoxville the best competition.

Kellar: “Eddyville’s going to be pretty solid. They have a freshman that qualified for State in cross country. They don’t have a lot of field events other than Brooks Moore, so that’s one.”

Kellar says due to graduation losses last season he and the coaching staff will try to experiment with combinations leading up to the conference meet. Knoxville gets its outdoor season started on March 26th at the Pella Christian Early Bird

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