
The Pella City Council held a public hearing to adopt the fiscal year 2025 budget at their meeting Tuesday evening. The property tax rate in the City of Pella will increase from $10.20 to $10.75 per $1,000 of valuation starting on July 1st. This includes $69.5 million in planned expenditures for the upcoming year.

A contract for Broadway Street Improvements was awarded to KLC Construction for $1,274,505 and due for completion by October. The first readings of zoning changes related to properties adjacent to Pella Christian Grade School, and for an ordinance amending microbrewery regulations and allowing their use in the Central Business District were all approved for first readings.

Additionally, council received a presentation from a local pickleball group about options regarding courts in the city limits, which included a $300,000 funding request.

Resolutions on the agenda approved included a preliminary plat for a subdivision at West 9th Street, as well as to amend the waste services contract with Midwest Sanitation. During policy and planning, the council discussed options for the purchase or rental of golf carts at Bos Landen and begin the process of evaluating a rate increase for water services.