
May is mental health month and Knoxville Hospital and Clinics continues to recognize the importance of mental health care.

Mental Health Awareness Month continues to be a cornerstone of addressing the challenges that millions of Americans face who are living with a mental health diagnosis. Knoxville Hospital and Clinics is prioritizing mental health care in their ongoing remodel to the emergency department by providing the best possible safe spaces available for those experiencing a mental health crisis before they get the appropriate care they need. KHC CEO Kevin Kincaid said the way mental health is addressed has changed dramatically over the years, and KHC now views it the same as any other serious medical condition.

“Somebody that is in a mental health crisis is every bit a medical condition as it is having a heart attack or a broken leg, and that is a monumental shift from where we used to be. Medically we view a mental health condition the same as any other disease or injury that we’re dealing with. We just don’t differentiate on that anymore.”

Hear more from Kevin Kincaid about Mental Health Awareness Month on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.