
The South Central Regional Airport Agency (SCRAA) Committee is scheduled to meet in early July.

This is the second meeting since the Iowa Public Information Board formally accepted complaints against the agency earlier this year related to open meetings violations. No formal action was taken at the previous meeting in March related to that matter, and it is unclear if the next session scheduled on Wednesday, July 3rd at noon will include anything related to the issue.

At the session in February, the SCRAA board said they will have the Pella and Oskaloosa City Councils amend the 28E agreement “to reflect that they are the only two parties in the SCRAA and making appropriate changes, which includes removing any reference to an Executive Committee. This is a matter that has to be handled at the City level, and is not something that can be done by the South Central Regional Airport Agency. The cities are targeting a completion date of 60 days. Any amended and restated agreement requires approval of both City Councils.”

However, the Pella City Council has not taken any action related to the SCRAA or updating the agreement, and 60 days after the complaints were formally accepted would have been on April 17th. John Bandstra, a former SCRAA Board Member, brought up the complaints of potential open meetings violations to the state, questioned why there was no action taken by the council at their most recent meeting last week, and no response was given.

An agenda for the SCRAA meeting will be posted within a few days of the July 3rd meeting.