
The Knoxville Community School District is working on repairing the Ken Locke Stadium irrigation pump.

Those who have driven by the stadium may have noticed the grass has turned brown over the summer. The school district wants to assure the community that this isn’t because they have stopped taking care of it, but because they are waiting on repairs. Business Manager Craig Mobley hopes for this to be fixed in August.

“The pump for the irrigation system broke so we have taken that pump out and sent it in. It is being rebuilt. We’re just waiting on that process to get finished up and get the pump sent back to us and we can get it reinstalled. We can then start irrigating that field. Talking to Ross Dennison we should be able to have that field back in the condition and appearance that people are used to sometime in the month of August.”

The Knoxville Alumni Association is currently in the process of fundraising for improvements and renovations for the stadium.