The Knoxville School Board approved fencing and concrete work for Randy Wilson Track at their meeting Monday night.
The board approved quotes from Pierce Fencing and Fine Line Concrete totaling approximately $117,000. The concrete work will be for sidewalks, the concession stand building, and work behind the visiting bleachers while the fencing will be for the final chain link fencing around the field. School Business Manager Craig Mobley hopes for the entire project to be completed soon.
“Right now we’re looking at about another week or two before the bleachers and new press box are in, and then we will get all this concrete and fence work done. That will be the main part of the work for the site and all we will have left is to finish up the concession building which is coming along. We hope to have that done by the end of July or first part of August.”
The funds for this project come out of the Randy Wilson Track Improvement fund.