
The Knoxville City Council has approved the purchase of a new swing set for Auld Park.

This will replace the existing swing set that has been there since 1994. Knoxville Parks and Recreation Director Brandon Nemmers stated in his letter to the council that the current swings are breaking down, which will eventually become a safety issue. The council approved a quote from Play-Pro Recreation for $14,400 for the new set, and the work should be completed this fall. Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery says this will be a good upgrade for the park.

“As years go by it is seeing its age. We continue to do repairs down there on a daily basis in the summertime. The swing sets were starting to definitely see their age and are in need of repairs. We will be getting some new swing sets. It will have the same type of layout as the swing sets that are there now. They are not wood, and they will be easier maintenance moving forward for our staff. We will still have the tire swing type feel and the regular swings so we are looking forward to that improvement.”

The city received three total bids for this project.