
Thousands of bicycle riders will travel through Indianola throughout the morning and afternoon today as RAGBRAI will ride through town, day four of the annual event. Indianola has been designated as a “meeting town” in between the overnight stops of Winterset and Knoxville, and the theme for the Indianola stop will be “Just Eat It.”

The route has the riders entering the city on Hwy 92, turning north on S Kenwood to reach Euclid, then south on G Street towards W Clinton Ave and turning east, then south on Buxton through the downtown square and cross Hwy 92, then east on 4th Ave before reconnecting on Hwy 65/69 and south to Milo. Proposed activities include food trucks, vendors, entertainment, a bike shop, safety tent, and hydration station.

The route will be marked with barriers, with riders encouraged to leave for the next portion of the route by 3pm. Find an interactive map with the route and activities below.