
100+ Men – Red Rock will hold their next quarterly meeting in August.

The group of men meet four times throughout the year, and members present a charitable cause they have a passion for. Those causes are then put into a bowl and three are selected from that process. The presenting member then pitches their cause to the other members and the group votes on which organization receives their quarterly donation. Kevin Stittsworth with the 100+ Men – Red Rock leadership team invites those interested in the organization to come to the quarterly meeting.

“We invite people to just come check us out. There’s no obligation, don’t feel like you have to give $100, just come for the fellowship. We’ve got great sponsors that have helped us with the administrative costs. So, we provide the meal that evening and it’s just a great time to network. And I think one of the other beauties in all this is not everyone can make every meeting. So, we can have 70 one quarter and you might not see the same people every time but you’ve got this brotherhood that you know that you’re doing something good together.”

The quarterly meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 27th at 5:30 pm at the Cordova Park Pavilion.