
Another coach at Twin Cedars will be stepping down from his position. Mateo Varese will not be returning to the baseball or the boys basketball coaching positions this next school year. Varese was head coach for the baseball Sabers for the last two seasons and the same for the boys basketball program. He tells KNIA/KRLS Sports it was time to focus more on his family and other things away from the field.

Varese: “I loved being around that group and that’s why it made it a hard decision. We’re trying to grow our family and I want to be around those guys but try to find the right balance and figure out a way to be home every night rather than just the weekend.”

Varese is the shared H.R. Director for both Twin Cedars and Melcher-Dallas Schools and will continue in that role. Twin Cedars has already announced that Tabatha Bricker is the new Athletic Director replacing Theresa Davis ,Mark Ford is the new football coach replacing Cam Parker, who took a job in the Centerville School District, Shelby Miller is the new volleyball coach and Staci Klobnak is the new Cross Country Coach. Stay tuned to future Hy-Vee Radio Coaches Corners to hear from the new leaders of Twin Cedars Athletics.

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