
The Pella Christian cross country teams begin their seasons two weeks from today, and are excited about their chances of returning to Fort Dodge at the end of the year.

The Eagles’ boys squad is looking to make their fourth consecutive appearance at the State Meet this fall. The Pella Christian girls are hoping to get back to Fort Dodge as a team this season, after falling two spots shy of making State last year. Eagles head coach Mike Buchheit says that the team has spent more time training this offseason than in years past, which has grown their confidence in being able to return to the State Meet this fall. 

“The one big change, or one big difference that I feel really good about this season is we did more summer training things this year than we’ve done in my past five seasons, as we were coming into the fall. So, we’re just coming in at a better place.”

The Pella Christian cross country teams open the fall sports season on Eagle Lane at the Marshalltown Early Bird Meet on August 29th.