Contracts for seal coat projects on County Roads F-70 and F-34 will be considered by the Jasper County Board of Supervisors this morning. County Engineer Michael Frietsch says both projects are expected to begin in early June of next year, and should take 25 to 30 working days to complete. The Highway F-70 project is about 6 miles between Monroe and County road S-6-G. The seal coat on County Highway F-34 is just over a mile from the Polk County line east. Also on today’s agenda is a closed session requested by the County’s Information Technology Director Ryan Eaton. The agenda says the closed session is to discuss Information and records concerning physical infrastructure, cyber security, critical infrastructure, security procedures, or emergency preparedness. The Jasper County Board of Supervisors meeting begins at 9:30 this morning in the Boardroom at the County Courthouse in Newton.