September 26th is the bid opening date that’s been set for the building addition and renovation project at Newton’s Thomas Jefferson Elementary School. Rachelle Hines of FRK Architects and Engineers of West Des Moines is lead on the project. She estimated the construction cost at just under $6,500,000. But Newton School Superintendent Tom Messenger says Hines told the school board Monday that favorable bids have been coming in on similar projects.
“We are anxious to see what the bids do come in at. But she made it sound like different comparable projects have been coming in under budget.”
Kids will be attending Thomas Jefferson Elementary while a lot of the renovation and construction is ongoing. But Messenger notes most of the work during the school year will occur outside the school.
“Some work on the driveway and parking and the addition on the north side of the building. The summertime will be when inside the building will be the construction zone.”
The project is scheduled to be finished before school starts in August 2026. Hear more from Newton School Superintendent Tom Messenger on today’s Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce’s Let’s Talk Newton.