The Newton School Board has set September 23rd as the sale date for 10-million dollars of School Infrastructure, Sales, Services, and Use Tax Revenue Bonds. The action at last night’s school board meeting sets 10 a.m. that day as the bid deadline and opening, with action on the actual bond sale expected at the school board meeting that night. Tim Bloom, the Director of Business Services in the Newton School District, says the bond revenue will pay for the first phase of the additions and renovations at Aurora Heights and Thomas Jefferson elementaries. They will be the 2 school buildings used out of the 4 in Newton, once they have each been updated to hold up to 500 Pre-Kindergarten through 4th grade students. The Emerson Hough and Woodrow Wilson Schools will close. Bloom notes a 2nd bond issue to complete the funding will be done later, saving the District money on Interest. Newton Superintendent Tom Messenger says a pre-bid meeting with contractors on the Thomas Jefferson project was held yesterday.
Action on finalizing Construction documents for the improvements and addition to Aurora Heights Elementary School is now on the agenda for the September 23rd Newton School Board meeting as well. Newton School Superintendent Tom Messenger will discuss Monday night’s Newton School Board meeting on tomorrow’s Greater Newton Area Chamber of Commerce’