
Lynnville’s City Hall will host an informational meeting this evening on the special countywide bond election coming up Tuesday, November 5th.The meeting is to begin at 6:30 p.m. Lynnville’s City Hall is at 308 East Street. Jasper County Supervisors are asking voters to approve $6,400,000 in general obligation or capital loan notes to pay for a new Secondary Roads maintenance building and shop. County Supervisor Doug Cupples says property taxes will not increase if the referendum is approved by voters. That’s because another County debt is coming off the books.

“This is going to replace another debt, A debt that is getting paid off. It’s like when a family has two cars where one is paid for and one is not. When the car is paid for, they can buy another new car.”

The Secondary Roads facility would be built on seven acres of county owned land just south of Interstate 80 on the eastern edge of Newton. The County Supervisors have already built a new 11.900 square foot County truck storage building there, with maintenance bays and storage for fuel and road salt.