
The first of two candidate forums for Warren County and Legislative races took place Tuesday featuring the Warren County Supervisor Districts 3, 4 and 5 and Iowa House District 21 hosted by the Warren County Chambers of Commerce, the American Association of University Women, and the Indianola Independent Advocate.

The candidates features in the event include:

Warren County Supervisor District 3
Jane Colacecchi – Democrat
Travis DeWitt – Republican

Warren County Supervisor District 4
Eric Martens – Democrat
Stephanie Erickson – Republican

Warren County Supervisor Districts 5
Crystal McIntyre – Republican (Incumbent)
Jenna Thompson – Democrat

House District 21
Brooke Boden – Republican (Incumbent)
Spencer Waugh – Democrat

The forum was broadcast live on 94.3 KNIA, hear the forums below.

Warren County Supervisor Forum for Districts 3, 4, and 5

House District 21