
A purchase agreement has been finalized for the Knoxville Community School District to sell Ken Locke Stadium to the Knoxville Alumni Association.

The Knoxville School Board has agreed to sell the property to the alumni association’s Save Our Stadium Committee for $5,000 and a public hearing will be held on October 14th at the school board meeting. The SOS committee wants to transform the property into a community space for everyone to enjoy. The committee held an open meeting on Friday at the Knoxville Public Library to share their plans for the future of the old football stadium and update attendees on fundraising efforts. Superintendent Cassi Pearson says the public hearing is required for something like this and it gives community members the option to voice their opinion on the sale.

“The Knoxville Alumni Association presented a purchase proposal to the school board for Ken Locke Stadium with a purchase price of $5,000 as their offer. The next step is the board has to have a public hearing, so anyone in the community who would like to speak to the board and give their opinion whether that’s in support of that agreement or opposed to that agreement has the opportunity to do so.”

The purchase proposal has been officially signed by the SOS Committee. Representatives from the SOS Committee have stated at a previous school board meeting that it has been hard to fundraise for renovations without having ownership of the property.