The City of Indianola has released information regarding the maintenance of the sidewalks on the square as part of the Downtown Square Reconstruction Project. City crews have noticed residents and property owners using salt to clear the sidewalks, and new concrete can take up to one year to fully “Dry Out”, so chemical salt is easily absorbed into the pores of the concrete and even though some of the concrete is 2-3 years old, the city also has permeable pavers and sidewalk bricks that can still be damaged by harsh chemicals. Find tips for sidewalk care below.
-All property/business owners are responsible to care for sidewalks adjacent to your buildings, including any repair/reconstruction that may be necessary.
-Please use extra caution during the sidewalk snow removal process to avoid damage to the sidewalk and its amenities, such as signs, sidewalk furniture, planters, bicycle racks and lighting.
-Heavy equipment, like pickup trucks, tractors or skid loaders, CANNOT BE USED to remove snow from sidewalks.
-Property/business owners shall use snow blowers or shovels to remove snow from sidewalks.
Please take necessary steps to remove all ice and snow accumulation in a timely manner, limiting the need of deicers.
-If salt does become necessary as a last means, attempt to use table salt or another type of ice melt and USE SALT SPARINGLY.