
Former Indianola City Manager Ben Reeves has departed to Eagle Mountain, Utah to take a City Manager position, after serving in the role for the City of Indianola since April of 2022. Reeves said his final advice to the residents of Indianola were to continue the momentum the city has seen over the last several years, and to continue to keep everyone working together, rather than silly differences.

“What I’ve really tried to do is just get to the core values, what do the elected leaders really want to see happen. When you start asking it from that perspective, it’s not so much about how, but where we are going. As soon as we start changing our mindset of we are in it together, it is not about getting the credit for me or someone else or any one group, but collectively we are a team together and we have the same values and want to advance in the same directions. We can figure out the how which is often what divides us, so long as we recognize where we are going and work together, that is what makes a community great.”

Deputy City Manager Wade Wagoner has been named as the Interim City Manager until the position is filled. Hear more on today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.