
The Jasper County Engineers Office is changing their approach to gravel roads this year. County Engineer Mike Frietsch told the County Board of Supervisors Tuesday, they’ll be working to equalize those roads across the County this spring.

“We are going to go back and try to resurface every Level A granular road with a similar amount of rock and bring them all to a similar condition. We are going to try and level set things this year. We are going to focus on resurfacing and blading. We are going to focus on getting this rock down early. Maybe as early as the middle of March if we can.”

Frietsch says each mile of Level A road is to get 150 tons of rock. Up to 600 tons of rock per mile will be put on Level A roads that may be impacted by current year road and bridge projects, and roads reconstructed last year. He also says repairing 33 miles of gravel roads damaged by drivers detouring around past road and bridge construction projects will be a priority this year.

The Jasper County Board of Supervisors approved the County Engineer’s recommendation to accept a $21.94 per ton bid for contract rock hauling from Martin Marietta Contractors for 98,233 tons of roadstone that will be placed on 622 miles of Level A roads in the county, which comes out to a total cost of $2,155,300.