FRK Architects and Engineers of West Des Moines has proposed a June 5th bid date for the replacement of the visitor’s bleachers at Newton’s H.A. Lynn Stadium. The proposed contract award is projected for June 9th. But Newton Superintended Tom Messenger says the actual project wouldn’t start for a while.
“Because of lead time needed for the bleachers, they would not be done before next football season. I don’t want people to think we have forgotten about that. But for projects like that, there is a pretty good amount of lead time necessary to get the bleachers ordered and everything set for it.”
FRK Architects estimates the bleacher project will cost just under $800,000. The change is being made to allow at least one side of the stadium to have ADA compliant seating. The other project is expected to cost a little over $800,000. It involves constructing a 1,500 square foot structure at the district’s baseball field for bathrooms, a concession stand, and small storage area. FRK Architects has proposed this project go out for bid July 10th, with the contract being awarded just four days later. Construction is projected to start in August and be completed in April of next year.