
The Pella City Council will schedule a public hearing for exit interchange improvements at their meeting this evening. A resolution will open the bidding process for additional turn lanes and traffic signals at the intersection of West Washington Street and the Iowa Highway 163 exit ramp. A final contract will go before council on April 1st, with work slated to begin by June 30th. The project will accommodate an incoming Kwik Star store. Other action items on the Pella City Council agenda include the 2nd reading of an ordinance to amend boundaries of a residential district near Hempstead Drive, as well as a public hearing for a $475,000 lease agreement for equipment at Bos Landen Golf Course. The council will receive a fiscal year 25-26 budget overview presentation during regular business and discuss Molengracht Plaza Repairs and receive a budget request from the PACE Alliance during policy and planning work sessions. The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6:30 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex.