Contact Us
You can call us 24 hours a day
Knoxville: 641-842-3161
Pella: 641-628-8672
Indianola: 515-962-5979
Due to the immediacy of severe weather, please call in ALL Cancellation and Delay Information so that we can get the word out and let everyone know FIRST, FAST, and ACCURATELY! There is always someone in the building to answer your calls; however, in the event that we’re taking a lot of calls or we’re live on the radio at the time that you call, please be patient and call back in a few minutes.
Submit Your Local Information Here
- All Local News
- Local Meetings
- Church Meetings or Events
- Area Town Events
- Club News & Events
- League Scores or Events
- Birthdays & Anniversaries
- Any Local Information
- In-Depth Topics
- Let’s Talk Ideas
If it’s important to you, let us know! You may contact us anytime, 24/7 to report local information (please share specifics about event and contact info), buy, sell, or trade with the Radio Classifieds (please include contact info), and to share special events like birthdays and anniversaries (please include names and dates as well as address so we can mail prizes if they win.)
Funeral Homes
Please click here to email Funeral Service announcements.
We are looking to improve our funeral service page and we’re looking to do two things:
- Include pictures in our obituaries on the website. You can help by emailing us all funeral service announcements to our email address including a jpeg image of the deceased.
- We’ll be including more information on our webpage including surviving family, more complete bios, etc.