President of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Tom Dunkel discusses the history of Groundhog Day and the annual celebration in Punxsutawney, PA.

Let’s Talk Knoxville – City Manager Heather Ussery
Let's Talk KnoxvilleKnoxville City Manager Heather Ussery recaps Monday’s Knoxville City Council meeting. Play in new window | Download...

Let’s Talk Knoxville – KHC CEO Kevin Kincaid
Let's Talk KnoxvilleKnoxville Hospital and Clinics CEO Kevin Kincaid discusses the emergency department renovation and expansion. Play in new window | Download...

Let’s Talk Knoxville – Employee and Family Resources
Let's Talk KnoxvilleEmployee and Family Resources Prevention Department Team Lead Raichel Beierle discusses the organization and resources they provide citizens of Marion County. Play in new window | Download...