Newton Police Department Captain Chris Wing talks about the City’s Pet Licensing Program and the pending start of the city owned dog kennel.

Let’s Talk Newton – Newton Utilities Director and acting Public Works Director Jody Rhone
Let's Talk Newton ltnNewton Utilities Director and acting Public Works Director Jody Rhone talks about curbside yard waste collection which begins in Newton next week, where to get the special yard waste bags, and how residents can...

Let’s Talk Newton – Discover Hope 5:17 in Newton Founder Robbie Robinson
Let's Talk NewtonDiscover Hope 5:17 Founder Robbie Robinson talks about a new program at the facility in Newton called Restoration House for Men. The structured three- step program for men living in the facility is meant to...

Let’s Talk Newton- Newton School Superintendent Tom Messenger
Let's Talk NewtonNewton School Superintendent Tom Messenger talks about a long committee evaluation into a possible switch to a four day school week, how the evaluation was conducted, and the outcome....